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Easy Irish Soda Bread

Nothing says like St Patrick’s Day like a warm loaf of sofa bread. Golden, crumbly and perfect with a generous spread of butter, it’s the perfect versatile dish. The best part? It’s as easy as it gets! No yeast, no fuss, just a few simple ingredients to bring a little Irish magic to your morning.

  • Preparation time: 5 min(s)
  • Cooking time: 15 min(s)
  • Servings: 2

How to make

  1. Place the flour into a mixing bowl and pour the buttermilk over it.
  2. Start mixing with a fork until it starts coming together into a shaggy dough.
  3. Flour your work surface and place the dough over it.
  4. Knead for a few minutes until the dough is smooth and pat down into an even circle shape.
  5. Cut into 4 equal chunks.
  6. Line your air fryer with parchment paper and place the soda bread into it making sure they’re not touching each other.
  7. Air fry for 10 minutes on 160°C, flip then air fry for a further 5 minutes.