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Single Click checkout


Single click allows you to totally skip our regular checkout and add anything up to the value of £30 directly into your delivery.

How it works

To place a new single click order, go to any product and press the “Deliver once” button. This will bring up a calendar that allows you to select the delivery you would like to add the item to. You can also adjust the quantity of the item, however single click orders can only be placed up to the value of £30.

When you’re ready to order, just press “Buy with Single Click”. If you’re using single click for the first time, you’ll be asked to verify your password to confirm you’re happy to use the service. Once this is complete, your next orders will be put straight through

Your order

Payment for orders placed through single click will be taken immediately as soon as they are confirmed. We will use the same card saved on your account for both one off and regular orders, although using single click you will not need to enter your CVV.

You'll still be able to edit and cancel these orders in the “My orders” section of your account, just like you would with any other delivery.