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Meet Our Hero Milkmen Going the Extra Mile

From chasing down runaway dogs to helping people in need, going the extra mile is all part and parcel of being a Milk & More milkman. However, heroic deeds deserve a celebration — that's why our milkmen and women are honoured with Community Hero Awards. Meet some of our latest heroes below.

Kevin Pierce, Norwich

Around 4am on a cold night, Kevin rounded a slippery bend in the road to find a car crashed in a ditch. Running to the rescue, he discovered a young man trapped inside — uninjured but distressed and unable to get out. Kevin attempted to arrange a recovery vehicle but had no luck, so phoned the man’s family to come and help. Kevin stayed with the man until they arrived an hour later. He then reboarded his milk float and finished his route!

Karl Joy, Exeter

Karl was on his way to meet a new starter for training when he suddenly smelt and heard a nearby fire. Looking around for the source, he came across a house with its decking alight. Karl raced to alert the sleeping owner, who rushed his family outside to safety before joining Karl in hosing down the decking and stopping the fire from spreading to the rest of the house. When the fire brigade arrived, the fire was mostly under control, and thanks to Karl, everyone was safe.

David Dillingham, Southampton

David was delivering in the early hours when he found a small dog with an injured leg running around in circles. He managed to catch her but had unluckily left his phone at home. Unwilling to give up on the frightened animal, he drove her to a local petrol station to call her family.

The worried elderly couple who owned the dog explained that she was blind and had run away on a walk. David kindly delivered the dog to their home, where he was worried to see that the woman was injured from a recent fall. He encouraged the couple to ring for an ambulance and received a call from her husband a couple of days later to thank him for his compassion and kindness and to let him know that his wife was receiving treatment in hospital.

Steve Board, Hanworth

Steve won the eternal gratitude of his customer Pamela, who rang our call centre to thank him for his care and consideration. Steve had found her son's keys in the front door and kindly stowed them away safely with the milk before posting a note to let her know where to find them.

‘I hope you can recognise his care and attention and give him our thanks, as somebody else could have used the keys to access our home!' — Pamela.

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